Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. IV. USGPO, Washington, 1946, pp.185-186

17 Aug. 1938

The second decree for the execution of the law
regarding the change of the surnames and forenames
of 17th August 1938.

On the basis of Article 13, of the law of 5 January 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I. S. 9) concerning the change of the surnames and given-names, the following is ordered:

Art. 1

1. Jews may be given only such given-names as are cited in the directives issued by the Ministry of Interior concerning the utilization of given-names.

2. Para. (1) is not applicable to Jews who are foreign citizens.

Art. 2

1. In so far as the Jews are still using some other given-names different from those which are at their disposal according to Art. 1,-they are obliged to assume by the 1st January 1939, a second, additional given-name as follows; for males, the given-name Israel and for females the given-name Sara.

2. The person having to assume an additional forename according to para (1) is obliged to give a written notification in this matter to the registration office at which his birth, and marriage are registered. The same notification is to be given to the proper police-official in the registerer's place of residence or customary habitat. The notifications are to be reported within a month from the date requiring him to assume an additional given-name.

3. In so far as the birth or marriage of the person who must register has been verified by a German diplomatic representative of a Consul, or has been verified in a German protectorate, -the notification, which must be made, is to be forwarded to the Register-Office I, Berlin. If the place of residence or customary habitat of the person registering is abroad, the notification in question, mentioned in Para (2), sentence (1) is to be forwarded to the competent German Consul instead of to the competent police-official.

4. For people who are unable, or are partially unable to conduct their own affairs, the obligation to register rests upon the legal representative.

Art. 3

As far as is customary in juridicial and business procedure to indicate the given-names, the Jews are obliged always to indicate at least one of their given-names. In so far as they are required to assume an additional given-name as mentioned in Art. 2,-this additional given-name is to be indicated also. The present directives regarding the management of a business are not hereby altered.

Art. 4

1. Whoever deliberately disobeys the directives of Art. 3 is to be punished by imprisonment of up to six months. Cases of negligent disobedience will be punished by imprisonment of no more than one month.

2. Whoever deliberately or carelessly neglects to give the proper notification according to Art. 2 is to be fined or punished by imprisonment of no more than one month.

Berlin, 17th, August 1938.

Reichs Minister of the Interior:         
Representative, Dr. Stuckart.
Reichs Minister of Justice:               
Dr. Guertner.

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 08/01/99
©S D Stein

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