Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. IV. USGPO, Washington, 1946, p.132

Letter from Dr. Rascher to Himmler
Requesting use of Prisoners for High Altitude Experiments
15 May 1941

Dr. med. Sigmund RASCHER MUNICH, 15 May 1941 Trogerstrasse 56

Dear Reichsfuehrer, My sincere thanks for your cordial wishes and flowers on the birth of my second son. This time, too, it is a strong boy, though he has come 3 weeks too early. I may send you a picture of both children incidentally. * * *

For the time being I have been assigned to the Luftgaukommando VII, Munich, for a medical course. During this course, where researches on high-altitude flights play a prominent part (determined by the somewhat higher ceiling of the English fighter planes) considerable regret was expressed at the fact that no tests with human material had yet been possible for us, as such experiments are very dangerous and nobody volunteers for them. I put, therefore, the serious question: can you make available two or three professional criminals for these experiments? The experiments are made at "Bodenstaendige Pruefstelle fuer Hoehenforschung der Luftwaffe", Munich. The experiments, by which the subjects can, of course, die, would take place with my cooperation. They are essential for researches on high-altitude flight and cannot be carried out, as has been tried, with monkeys, who offer entirely different test-conditions. I have had a very confidential talk with a representative of the air forces Surgeon who makes these experiments. He is also of the opinion that the problems in question could only be solved by experiments on human persons. (Feeble-minded could also be used as test material). * * *

I hope sincerely, highly esteemed Reichsfuehrer that, in spite of the immense burden of work you carry, you are in the pink of health. With my heartiest wishes, I am with Heil Hitler your gratefully devoted

(signature) S. RASCHER 132 14

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 08/01/99
©S D Stein

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