Source: J Noakes and G Pridham (eds.) Nazism 1919-1945. Vol.3 University of Exeter Press, pp.1006-1007

Euthanasia Circular 18 August 1939

In the summer of 1939 the parents of a seriously deformed child petitioned the Reich Chancellor to authorise the termination of this "life unworthy of life".  Hitler referred the matter to Philipp Bouhler, head of the Chancellery of the Führer of the NSDAP, the acronym of which was KdF. An advisory committee was established, which included medical practitioners, KdF and Reich Interior Ministry personnel.  The outcome of their deliberations was this circular.

Re: The duty to report deformed births etc.
1.  In order to clarify scientific questions in the field of congenital deformities and intellectual under-development, it is necessary to register the relevant cases as soon as possible.
2. I therefore instruct that the midwife who has assisted at the birth of a child-even in cases where a doctor has been called to the confinement-must make a report to the Health Office nearest to the birth place ont he enclosed form, which is available from Health Offices, in the event of a new-born child being suspected of suffering from the following congenital defects:

(i) Idiocy and Mongoism (particularly cases which involve blindness and deafness)
(ii) Microcephalie [an abnormally small skull]
(iii) Hydorcephalus of a serious or progressive nature
(iv) Deformities of every kind, in particular the absence of limbs, spina bifida etc.
(v) Paralysis including Little's disease

3. In addition, all doctors must report children who are suffering from one of the complaints in (i-v) and have not reached their third birthday in the event of the doctors becoming aware of such children in the course of the professional duties.


Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 26/03/02 12:03:11
©S D Stein

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