Source:Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume VIII. USGPO, Washington, 1946/pp.9-10

An Article which appeared in a special edition of the "Stuermer" in May 1939.


This special edition must not be concluded before the "Stuermer" has had it out with Dr. Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury (England). As has already been reported previously, this churchman participated in the general outcry of protests against the "Stuermer" and its publisher, Julius Streicher * * *

This senile priest, however, has by virtue of his protest, joined forces with a company which must expose him to shame and contempt. At the same time he has, with this protest, offended against the laws of decency and against the most elementary principles of Christianity. * * *

The Archbishop of Canterbury therefore sides with the money bag, with the lying world press, with the Jewish crooks and financial hyenas, with the Jewish-Bolshevist mass-murderers. It is a fine company which the Archbishop of Canterbury has joined. They are flayers of mankind, criminals, gangsters, murderers. In short, they are Jews.

By choosing their side, the Archbishop of Canterbury committed a further, even more contemptible crime. He committed the crime of betraying Christianity. The crime of betraying non-Jewish mankind.

The Archbishop of Canterbury insults Julius Streicher. He calls him an "odious inciter." The Archbishop cannot hurt Julius Streicher by this. This man stands so high in the battle which he is conducting against world Jewry that the Archbishop of Canterbury cannot reach him. But let this be said to the Archbishop: To fight for the Jews is easy. To fight against the Jews is difficult. It is the most difficult and the greatest of battles. Julius Streicher has been fighting this battle for 20 years. In doing this, he had to risk his name, his existence, and his life a thousand times. Again and again he had to go into the prisons of the Republic. And he did all this only because he knows. that the battle against world Jewry is after all nothing but the battle of good against bad. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who, surrounded by a halo, stands at the head of the Church of England, would never have had the courage to fight the battle. He would never have had the courage to use all his resources and to sacrifice everything in order to be able to oppose the enemy of the world with all his might.

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 14/03/02 14:51:16
©S D Stein

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