Source:Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume VIII. USGPO, Washington, 1946/pp.21-23

100,000 demonstrate in Koenigsplatz against the Jewish
incitements to cruelty

Julius Streicher versus Jewish world plague.

From the "Muenchener Beobachter,"
Daily Supplement to the "Voelkischer Beobachter,"
Issue No. 91/92, dated l/2 April 1933

On Tuesday, so began Streicher, the Fuehrer declared: "We have now fought for 14 years for the German people, and now, when we want to give it peace, it is more troubled than ever before. For weeks past the newspapers abroad have been saying that Bolsheviks caught in Germany were tortured to death, that they had their eyes put out, that their corpses were mutilated and that pogroms were arranged!

For 14 years we have been repeating in Germany: German people, learn to recognize your true-enemy! And the German simpletons listened carefully and then declared that we preached religious hatred. Now the German people is awake, Yes, the whole world now speaks of the eternal Jew.

Never since the beginning of the world and the creation of man has there been a nation which dared to fight against a nation of bloodsuckers and extortioners who for a thousand years have spread all over the world.

The German people did not wish to start that fight, but one day it will thank the fates for the fact that the eternal Jew had been negligent and had thrown a burning torch amongst the nations. The day will come, when humanity will free itself from the Jewish scourge and will stretch its hands towards the eternal peace. It is only because the German people had not recognized its enemy for so long that such unutterable suffering has overwhelmed us. It was left to our movement to expose the eternal Jew as a mass murderer.

I do not ask you whether you are Catholics or Protestants, but if you are Christians, then I tell you: Golgotha has not yet been avenged. But time brings its own revenge, and those who were responsible for Golgotha are already on their way to it.

For weeks past the whole of the Jewish Press abroad is inciting its readers and the people there believe their lies, just as they did during the years of the world war, when the field gray front defended its native land with its bodies. And if today it is said, as it was then, that it were the French, the Russian and the American etc. nations and their press who were responsible, then I say to you : No ! it was not the foreign nations, but it was the Jewish people who were responsible. There are 15 millions Jews in the world, and these 16 million live scattered amongst all the nations of the earth and it is they who must be thanked for the results. Their God tells them : "go out, as you are selected to be the rulers of all nations on earth, and all others must be your slaves !"

The Jew earns his money not by honest work, as a peasant or a workman, but he lives by profiting from the labours of others. He lives by the sweat of other people who work for him.

The German nation was split into innumerable factions-and this was the work of the Jew.

The Jew is in the minority in every country and in order to obtain power as such, he makes use of his ancient slogan ; divide and rule!

First of all the Jew divided the German nation in two halves. He placed on the left those who had no possessions, the proletariat, and rendered them homeless and deprived them of their soul. On the right side he placed the owners and he unchained a repulsive struggle between the two which led to a break in the development of the German Nation and brought on it untold misfortunes.

Marx and Lassal were the founders of the left side, Stahl and Wertheimer-those of the right.

And the Jew always formed new parties and placed in each his satellites. He joined the left ones in his capacity as a Jew, whereas to enable him to join the parties of the right he was baptized, as if through this, he could conceal his race.

Each party was supplied by the Jew with newspapers in which he wrote whatever he wished.

To be international was fashionable, and the Jews brought our people to such a pass that it was possible for a State to arise, for which the bells of Potsdam have now at last, prepared an end.

Why does the Jew now persecute from abroad the nation which has so far never as much as touched a hair on his head and even now leaves him free to roam about? The reason is that Germany is lead today by men and not by unscrupulous party officials (stormy applause).

Today a new Germany arises, a Germany where it will be impossible to cause injury to the people by party intrigues in Parliament. Hence the incitement to hate and horrors, because there exist no more parties for the protection of Jews in Germany. Because in Bavaria, too, a Bavarian people's party must become used to the fact that a new Bavaria has arisen, which is greater and more beautiful than the former one and that the dream of an independent state of Bavaria, bound by the river Main, is ended.

A few days before the last elections "Frankfurter Zeitung" wrote : "There is nothing more to do in the North. Now it is necessary to try to save what there is still to be saved in the South." But those gentlemen have entirely miscalculated ; for they did not take into acount the German blood and the German soul.

The time has passed when disunity of the countries could be counted upon.

The German countries are today put on a national-socialist basis by one man of whom only recently a Jew said that he should be driven out of the country with a dog's whip. (Stormy cries of 'shame'.)

The Jew who came to us as guest with the Romans 2,000 years ago has abused the hospitality extended to him and now he places us in the position of an accused person.

The Jew continues his campaign of hate from abroad, because he has no parties inside this country which he can utilize for this purpose. But he will continue to incite people until the time arrives when he recognizes our steadfastness.

As long as I stand at the head of the struggle, this struggle will be conducted so thoroughly that the eternal Jew will derive no joy from it. The movement which has made such great sacrifices, such as the national socialist movement, has the blessing of God almighty, and will also emerge victorious from this battle.

It will bring suffering, now to a few small men, but do make your sacrifice, for it will not last long and have ye faith!

The present struggle is of incalculable importance. Should the German nation be victorious, and victorious it will be, then freedom will come to all other nations.

At 10 o'clock the boycott begins!

Take part in it, all, without exception! We want to become once more united in our will and beliefs, free as were our fathers. And even if the world were full of devils we must succeed!

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 14/03/02 14:50:51
©S D Stein

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