Source:Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume VIII. USGPO, Washington, 1946/pp.16-18


Taken from "Kampf dem Weltfeind", Page 49.

We National-Socialists demand that our children are instructed by German teachers only. Even if the diet does not agree to our demand, we shall not relinquish it. We know that Jewish children are being educated quite differently by their parents from German children. The Jewish children are being taught that they belong to a chosen race but that the German children belong to a race which is equal to cattle. Considering this fact, it is obvious to us National Socialists that we shall never place German children in the same classroom with Jewish children.

And now how does this method of education operate in daily life? The Jew considers not only the individual but the whole nation as cattle. These workers who are in the Communist party do not know yet that they with all their idealism, are tools of this race, which strives after nothing else but world domination. There is no need for you to tell me that the Jew has lived for ages in Germany and that he is a citizen of this country. With equal rights, in the course of a couple of centuries, our descendants would have to look upon the Negro who is at present with the troops of occupation on the Rhine as upon a citizen of equal quality and with equal rights. The mere fact that the Jew has been living in Germany for ages does not mean a thing. The Jew belongs to a foreign race and his aims are of alien character. Therefore, he must not have the same rights as we have. The Jew should educate his children in Jewish schools. Later on you will realize how important it is to have these demands carried out.

Mr. Kultusminister (Minister of public worship and instruction), in the same way as you cannot prevent us refusing to accept the Negro on the Rhine, you cannot deprive us of our knowledge that the Jew is a foreign element in our midst. You can solve the anti-Semitic problem only when you have eliminated the Jew from the life of the German people.

Recently the German Academy opened in Munich. Two members of this institution are pure Jews, Theodor Wolf of the "Berliner Tageblatt" and Georg Bernhardt of the "Vossische Zeitung". Can one, under such circumstances, still describe an Academy as "German" ?

Mr. Kultusminister, do create German schools and German Academies! Take away from the Jew the possibility of influencing the soul of our German youth ! It is you, Mr. Kultusminister, who should, as a responsible person, be the first to set a good example! But you continue to carry on in the same old way until it will be too late. Mr. Kultusminister: You yourself are contributing to the fact that Germany is on her way to destruction. I repeat: We demand the transformation of the school into a National-German institute of education. If we let German children be taught by German teachers then we shall have laid the foundations for the National-German school. This National-German school must teach racial doctrine. At the present moment our youth is still being educated according to the freemason principle: "All that has human face is equal." It is a ridiculous expression. Just as animals belong to various races so are human beings different from one another. The distinction has been made by God. The motto of the future should be: "Not all that has a human face is the same." Our compatriots. in the Palatinate can see daily the difference between Germans and Negroes. But it is not only the color which decides the difference between us and other races, it is the blood. We National Socialists demand that all pupils from the grammar to high school be enlightened regarding the differences between the races. This will clear the way for the realization that the Jew is not a German but a man of alien race. People say now that the Jew has merely a different religion and in 200 years people will say that the Negro on the Rhine has merely a different color. It is the task of a Kultusminister to make a clean sweep of this view. We demand, therefore, the introduction of racial doctrine into the school.

There are people who are still in favor of confessional schools. When we demand that the children be educated in German schools, the answer is always that religion is in danger on account of children of different confessions sitting side by side. If the clergy do their duty as teachers of religion, then religion is not being endangered. In the factories workers of both confessions are earning their living. You will not be asked there whether you hold the hammer in a catholic or protestant fist. Let us at last stop differentiating between Protestants and Catholics! Let us be Germans! To my mind a good German is also a good Christian! I would like to conclude! In his speech a communist deputy has just spoken about reconciliation between nations. I am giving him his reply: It is impossible to speak about reconciliation between nations without dealing with the Jewish question first. Whoever has recognized the baneful influence and the aims of Jewry in the world will understand our stubborn struggle and our resistance. Mr. Deputy of the Communist Party: You cannot deny the fact that wherever you may go, in China, in Africa, in America, Soviet agents are at work! They are agents of the Jews who are ruling Russia today. The results will be apparent in not far distant future. The final battle with the international power of the world Jewry is imminent. We shall win the battle only when we give up the petty party struggle and become a united nation. It will become a fact when we Germans realize the extent of the damage already caused by the Jewish fungus. At the moment when we have freed ourselves internally from the Jewish power as well as from the Jewish idea of domination the way to reconciliation with other non-Jewish nations will lie open. We can now already feel that many nations, the same as ourselves, are longing for the liberation from the Jewish oppressor. You too, gentlemen, will understand one day the reason why there were National Socialists who were prepared to be abused, reviled, or to be imprisoned for their ideology! I have always been firmly convinced that we deserve our future only when we have the courage to describe the race which crucified Christ as the enemy of the world.

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 14/03/02 14:46:16
©S D Stein

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