Occupation Country Policies

[Please see the note concerning the provenance of files in this presentation]

Order #21 Signed by Keitel Concerning Jurisdiction of Miitary, SS, and Police Forces During Barbarossa, 13 March 1941

Fuhrer Decree on Disciplining of German Troops and Handling of Resistance in District Area "Barbarossa", 13 May 1941

Communication from the Commissar for White Ruthenia, Kube, to Rosenberg, Concerning Appropriation of Cultural Objects by the SS and the Wehrmacht, 29 September 1941

Secret Field Marshal v.Reichenau Order Concerning Conduct of Troops in the Eastern Territories. Dated 10 October, 1941

Correspondence and Report Concerning the Aktion of Police Battalion 11 in Sluzk, 27 October 1941

Molotov's Note on German Atrocities in Occupied Soviet Territory, 7 January 1942

Rosenberg Letter to Keitel Concerning Maltreatment of USSR Prisoners of War, 28 February 1942

Reinecke Order Concerning Treatment of Soviet Prisoners of War, March 24, 1942

A Short Historical Consideration of German War Guilt, by Alfred Jodl, 6 September 1945

Memorandum by Brautigam Concerning Conditions in Occupied Areas of the USSR 25 October 1942

Affidavit of Otto Ohlendorf, 20 November 1945

Ohlendorf was a senior officer in the RSHA, an early Nazi Party member (1925) and, most importantly, the commander of Einsatzgruppe D, which was one of four special purpose Action Groups charged with the extermination of Jews, Commissars, Partisans and other "undesirable" segments of the USSR populace.

Political Way by Otto Ohlendorf, 20 November 1945

Otto Ohlendorf, commander of Einsatzgruppe D, expounds his views on Fascism and National Socialism:

"These principles advocated, as the foremost goal of National Socialism, to develop the best characteristics of the people and to form them into a community of equality and to furnish the best possible spiritual and moral existence for the individuals of the people."

Testimony of Erwin Lahousen before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 30 November 1945

Affidavit of Erwin Lahousen, 21 January 1946

Lahousen served in the Abwehr, the intelligence service of the OKW, between 1938 and 1943.  He was one of Canaris' section chiefs and represented him at various conferences with senior OKW officers.  His affidavit, provided to investigating officers for the Nuremberg Tribunal of the Major German War Criminals,  provides information concerning plans for the destruction of elites in Poland and the killings of Russian POWs, and the attitude of senior OKW officers to them, particularly Keitel and Reinecke.  Only those portions of the affidavit relating to policies pursued respecting the populations of occupied countries and war crimes are reproduced here.

Alfred Rosenberg (Nuremberg Tribunal Charges, 1945)

German Crimes Against Soviet Prisoners-of-War in Poland. Central Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. 1946

Nuremberg Charges

The General Staff and High Command of the Armed Forces Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V

Nuremberg Judgments

FrankGoeringJodlKaltenbrunnerKeitel,   RosenbergSaukel, Streicher

See Also:

Appropriation of Assets and Labour by the Third Reich
Crimes, Trials, and Laws
The Wehrmacht, the Holocaust and War Crimes
War Crimes And Criminals


Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 21/02/2000
©S D Stein
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