Country Policies During the Nazi Era

Chronology: Switzerland and the Second World War. Brief Survey 1934-1994. Swiss Parliamentary Services.

Chronology: Switzerland and the Second World War. Detailed Overview of Events 1994-95. Swiss Parliamentary Services.

Chronology: Switzerland and the Second World War. Detailed Overview of Events 1997 Swiss Parliamentary Services.

Chronology: Switzerland and the Second World War. Detailed Overview of Events 1998. Swiss Parliamentary Services.

Chronology: Switzerland and the Second World War.Detailed Overview of Events 1999. Swiss Parliamentary Service

Refugee Camps in Switzerland During World War II. Switzerland Task Force.

Why Comparisons with Concentration Camps are Odious. Switzerland Task Force. Andre Lasserre. 

The "Righteous among the Nations" of Swiss Nationality. Switzerland Task Force.

Switzerland and the Looted Art Trade Linked to World War II. Switzerland Task Force. Georg Kreis

Post-World War II Swiss Policies Relating to Holocaust Relevant Issues. Switzerland Task Force.

Selected Bibliography Concerning Switzerland During and after World War II. Switzerland Task Force.

Financial Relations between Switzerland and the Allies, 1945-1952. L.von Castelmur

The Washington Agreement of 1946 and relations between Switzerland and the Allies after the Second World War. L von Castelmur

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 13/12/99
©S D Stein

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